“Planet: Critical has a laser-like focus on whether human civilisation has a sustainable future.”

- Steve Keen, Creator of Building a New Economics

Planet: Critical

With 11,000+ subscribers from 163 countries, Planet: Critical is a resource for critical thinking at a critical time. The climate crisis is the result of a failed system. To survive, we must understand the intersection of energy, economics and politics. To thrive, we must build a better world—for everyone.

One of the world's top-rated podcasts on the poly-crisis and systems change, Planet: Critical uncovers the big picture of the climate crisis by mapping the energy, economic and political crises. Each episode is a critical interview with the world’s best scientists, economists, academics, activists, politicians and journalists battling to save our planet.

The weekly newsletter explores the themes, questions and tensions of our global crises, often focusing on power relations, narrative, systems and violence.

Climate Corruption

Planet: Critical is also home to exclusive investigations and analysis of the corruption driving the climate crisis and global geopolitics, including the world exclusive story on the $500 billion of gas off of Gaza’s coast.

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About Rachel

“Rachel has an unrivalled capacity for delivering facts and connecting the dots whilst being eloquent, engaging, compassionate, and witty.” - Professor Henrik Nordborg, OST

I investigate why the world is in crisis—and what to do about it.

With world exclusives in major papers, I investigate the gaslighting which props up our broken systems, trying to connect the dots of the big picture. I regularly speak at conferences, have lectured on the relationship between systems and narrative and am currently writing my first book on violence.

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© Rachel Donald

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Investigating why the world is in crisis—and what to do about it.


Climate corruption journalist investigating why the world in crisis—and what to do about it.