It is very difficult to remain hopeful.

As I read many authors about the mess that the smartest person in the room has driven upon us, repeatedly, throughout Homo sapiens existence, I believe, right from the beginning. We are currently witnessing this terrible climax of our DNA.

Those of us who glimpse the world sometimes with our right hemisphere despair.

I applaud your great work and generosity.

Do your best and live in the present, it is our only path.

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Ooh amazing I look forward to it :D that book has been a huge inspiration for my own, and actually tied me in knots for a couple of years as it covers huge swathes of what I write about, panicked me he'd basically made mine redundant - but thankfully theres still plenty to be said on language's role in exacerbating our overuse of the left hemisphere; especially from an embodied, lived-experience perspective ;)

If ever it's finished maybe we'll be chatting properly someday! All the best x

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You're an inspiration, loved it as always. Question still really seems, to me at least, to be how to lure an entire planet of humans away from the temptation of getting lost in ideas - in pursuing meaning and gratification et al. foremost through the mind - and toward doing so through "the body", to actually listen to the natural world they're a part of and arise out of, instead of forever inadvertently trapping themselves in their heads.

We are fed meaning through words (concepts) constantly, and so constantly seek it through them in turn, yet this is driving us to the edge. I'm all ears if you have any suggestions; I've seen patches of them throughout your interviews.

Thanks for doin' what you do, much appreciate your work :)

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I also think a lot about this paradox with language. I don't have an answer (perhaps there isn't one) except that truth can probably found in poetry more than it can in prose.

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Good point. You're so close! We're Money Free Party NZ. We started with the Resource Based Economy concept in about 2007 and have presented it on the political stage here in New Zealand in all local and general elections since 2013. As a retired Airline Pilot and Licenced Aero Engineer I do like things that make sense. It's pretty important in our industry. We've adopted the protocols and philosophy of that sector and applied them in the socioecological sphere. With frankly astonishing results.

We're proposing that the existence of currency in any form is ultimately terminal for the biosphere. The root cause of all our awful problems. A society without currency, trade, barter etc is now totally possible because of our newfound capacities and learning. A society where everything is free, and all 'work' is voluntary. The voluntary element is pivotal because it inverts the current 'pyramid of psychopathy' that directs our society. By abandoning the money, we cut the tentacles, the puppet strings of capitalism and truly return the power to the people. Be great to talk more about this. We are after all, operating 'Spaceship Earth', so our activities should probably reflect that.

Richard Osmaston


Nelson. New Zealand

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Beautifully put and intuitively, humanly familiar.

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Love the way you write Rachel

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Hi Rachel: On humans relying on symbols via language, the "radical anthropology" research group has done fantastic work. Musilanguage is the true origin of our symbolic speaking. Professor Jerome Lewis has a great talk on youtube and vimeo on "Music before language." In nonwestern cultures there is a concept of "direct participation" or "innate knowledge" or "formless awareness" and in quantum physics this is called "protoconsciousness" by Roger Penrose and Bernard d' Espagnat - it's called "active information" by Professor Basil J. Hiley and David Bohm. You probably experienced this during your ayahausca trip. haha. I finished my master's degree by doing intensive qigong meditation training from qigong master Chunyi Lin - and eventually this realm is accessed whereby an energy-information guides us from the future. Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes is the only scientist who figured out the truth of music theory as explaining this realm - what he calls, "Two, three and infinity" - that is superluminal and nonlocal and also negentropic (so it organizes life from the future with an energy-information). This is the secret to quantum biology as Pascual Jordan also figured out in the 1930s - a self-amplifiying noncommutative or complementary opposites nonlocality - that Eastern cultures call the Absolute Void radiating light eternally - or the cosmic mother. We are mind-controlled to think that it is too mystical and impractical to not rely on some external measurement using right-hand dominant technology and left-brain dominant symbols yet logical inference via music theory leads us to a deeper psychophysiological engagement that is the truth of reality. hahaha. In our original human culture all males were required to do this training - it's called Tshoma and requires a month long fasting while dancing training away from the females - with just a small liquid meal in the evening. Chunyi Lin did 28 days in nonstop full lotus meditation in a cave at Mt. Qingcheng - no sleep the whole time! When he finished and left the cave and then went into full lotus meditation then he levitated up nine feet while spiraling up. The saint Joseph de Copertino had such levitation experiences while also experiencing the deepest joy in his heart - as detailed in Professor Michael Grosso's book "The Man Who Could Fly." So while we face imminent biological annihilation we discover that we all have ghosts inside of us and the truth of matter is that it's all made of light as Nobel Physicist Gerard 't Hooft details in his paper, "Light is Heavy" - cowritten with Martin van der Mark. The light is powered by this superluminal phonon energy-information that is precognitive! This is also called superradiance as Dr. Aniriban Bandyopadhyay proved in his recent published work - inside the microtubules of our neurons - there is a negative refractive index with the tubulin - and we can access this through a deep listening process via ultrasound. The highest sound or pitch we can hear externally actually resonates the brain internally as ultrasound creating quantum coherence as superradiance.



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Wow, thank you!

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Hello Rachel,

"The story of endless economic growth on a finite planet is destroying that planet, our only home."

Yes, but the story of endless economic growth on a finite planet is the story of globalization, i.e. endless global economic growth to the advantage of rich nations. So one would have to be critical of the ideology of globalization which drives the aspirations towards endless global economic growth. If one wants to play it safe and not be critical of globalization then one is only "play-play" critical of the story of endless growth on a finite planet. Naturally, decentralization would allow for a much needed re-balancing of economies, so would be interesting to hear your take decentralization as a solution?

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Hey, if you read across my work and listen to a couple of episodes of the show you will hear a fervent critique of globalisation.

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Great stuff Rachel. You're so close! We're Money Free Party NZ. We started with the Resource Based Economy concept in about 2007 and have presented it on the political stage here in New Zealand in all local and general elections since 2013. As a retired Airline Pilot and Licenced Aero Engineer I do like things that make sense. It's pretty important in our industry. We've adopted the protocols and philosophy of that sector and applied them in the socioecological sphere. With frankly astonishing results.

We're proposing that the existence of currency in any form is ultimately terminal for the biosphere. The root cause of all our awful problems. A society without currency, trade, barter etc is now totally possible because of our newfound capacities and learning. A society where everything is free, and all 'work' is voluntary. The voluntary element is pivotal because it inverts the current 'pyramid of psychopathy' that directs our society. By abandoning the money, we cut the tentacles, the puppet strings of capitalism and truly return the power to the people. Be great to talk more about this. We are after all, operating 'Spaceship Earth', so our activities should probably reflect that.

Keep up the great work.

Richard Osmaston


Nelson. New Zealand

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Absolutely it can-- in prose it usually seems as though folk simply impose their own ideas on what is said, while poetry may lead thoughts down new paths. Would be nice if we could return to oral-poetic traditions, but we remain addicted to the convenience of bare prose and it's fragmentary concepts.

Can't express enough how much you/everyone ought to read The Master and His Emissary for this whole topic, and much more-- I imagine you'd love interviewing McGilchrist!

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I've read it and have Ian booked in for an interview next month, which I'm thrilled about!

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Hi Rachel, I'm quite new to your work so if that's the case that's great and I will certainly look out for more such critiques.

The issue I see is the following: We are all products of our environments and our world-views are defined by those environments. People in rich nations, especially people in nations that were (or are) empires look at the world through lenses oriented to empire-building or maintenance much of the time which inevitably translates to globalist perspectives, even though they might not mean to do so, because they are (perhaps) unconscious of it.

To try and summarize it in short; the people you interview (and yourself) tend to speak of global or planetary or worldwide crises all the time and the solutions for those global problems are generally expected or imagined to be global solutions for global problems.

Yet my perspective, being a product of my environment too, but in the global south, is that crises are not global and they do not need global interventions because global interventions always serve the centers of power in the rich northern nations that devise and enact the interventions in various ways.

I'm not sure the gap in differing perspectives could be bridged, but making people in the northern hemisphere aware of their globalist views might help and that's the objective with the type of comments I make in that regard. In my most recent 2 essays I have outlined this quite comprehensively:



To conclude (perhaps somewhat controversially), there is no global environmental crisis, or a global climate crisis, or a global population crisis and the same for food - where there are crises in these sectors, they are all local, national or regional in scope. However, the energy crisis (the decline in fossil fuels) is indeed a global crisis but it's so mainly because the solutions that are being implemented (the energy transition) makes the crisis even more global and also accelerates it. Simon Michaux's work is excellent in this regard and I really enjoyed your interview with him.

Thanks for the discussion and keep on going (!), but perhaps consider getting some people on that hold decentralized views or who would be able to speak more to dealing with issues locally and nationally rather than globally.

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I debated physicist Jack Sarfatti last night about global warming - it's on the Alienscientist channel livestream posted - s

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