How long did the euphoria over the fall of the Assad last? 48 hours? I amused myself by watching the reporting on Swiss TV and it was shockingly naïve. They actually compared the fall of the Assad regime with fall of the Iron curtain and talked about how this could be a new dawn for Syria. Two days later, we know the truth: Germany, Austria, and other European countries have decided or are considering sending back all Syrian refugees while Israel is bombing the country back to the Stone Age. The ugly truth is this: nobody cares about the Syrian people, many desire Syrian resources. The world seems to be entering the Age of Genocide; poor people standing in the way of resources will simply be eliminated. Is this the world we want to live in?
Yes who cares that Israel is taking over Syria Lebanon Iraq - why doesn’t the USA give them bombs to kill everyone in the Middle East who is not a Jew. Use starvation! Bring back polio for infidel children! Next stop nyc, and nj and LA. Let’s call this what it is. 4th Reich imperialism by the USA
I had no idea of the extent of these geopolitical manoeuvrings you report. I'd be interested in following up with some of your sources. All that you describe appears to be a last ditch attempt to shore up Empire as it collapses. The west has never had a problem with genocide until it gets to be bad PR. Pol Pot was a direct result of US bombing Cambodia. The Guatamalan and Salvador civil war was ongoing genocide of the Mayan populations who opposed US imposed land "reform" in favour of corporate interests. It goes on and on. Humans are expendable.
Yes, terrorists or Syrian 'rebels' are only bad if they stop Western companies from building pipelines that would 'free' the EU from 'dependence' on Russian gas and allow Israel to export stolen Palestinian gas via Quatar to Turkey, along with a big mark up (sod the consumer). Otherwise, they are very good.
It wouldn't be such a mess if the US allowed the EU to trade with Russia and use their vast resources. But Von der Leyen has made it clear that they want gas from Israel (aka stolen by a genocide of Palestinians) via Eygpt and Qatar rather than be 'dependent' on Russia and allow Russia to flourish.
It also makes me laugh how many in the UK have fallen for the line put about that green policies, and not US sabotage, are behind the collapse of Germany, that solar and wind are very expensive, that net zero is a plot to bankrupt us and it's better to use 'reliable' fossil fuels and be totally dependent on the US and subsequent energy price hikes instead.
Thank you again for such timely and careful analysis. And thank you for linking to your past reporting and analysis of the centrality of fossil resources in the Levant - very much helping to show that the geopolitical competition in this part of the world over the last few years is starting to shatter the plans of some, increase the gains of some, and also set the stage for different configurations of power and conflict. What we call “The Middle East” is changing now. Geopolitical tectonic plates shifting…. I don’t think this is over by any means.
Thank you again for this - please keep up the close and careful thought and work. I appreciate you!
Thanks for this straightforward explanation of the geopplitics involved, something absent in corporate media and even most other coverage.
How long did the euphoria over the fall of the Assad last? 48 hours? I amused myself by watching the reporting on Swiss TV and it was shockingly naïve. They actually compared the fall of the Assad regime with fall of the Iron curtain and talked about how this could be a new dawn for Syria. Two days later, we know the truth: Germany, Austria, and other European countries have decided or are considering sending back all Syrian refugees while Israel is bombing the country back to the Stone Age. The ugly truth is this: nobody cares about the Syrian people, many desire Syrian resources. The world seems to be entering the Age of Genocide; poor people standing in the way of resources will simply be eliminated. Is this the world we want to live in?
Yes who cares that Israel is taking over Syria Lebanon Iraq - why doesn’t the USA give them bombs to kill everyone in the Middle East who is not a Jew. Use starvation! Bring back polio for infidel children! Next stop nyc, and nj and LA. Let’s call this what it is. 4th Reich imperialism by the USA
I had no idea of the extent of these geopolitical manoeuvrings you report. I'd be interested in following up with some of your sources. All that you describe appears to be a last ditch attempt to shore up Empire as it collapses. The west has never had a problem with genocide until it gets to be bad PR. Pol Pot was a direct result of US bombing Cambodia. The Guatamalan and Salvador civil war was ongoing genocide of the Mayan populations who opposed US imposed land "reform" in favour of corporate interests. It goes on and on. Humans are expendable.
Yes, terrorists or Syrian 'rebels' are only bad if they stop Western companies from building pipelines that would 'free' the EU from 'dependence' on Russian gas and allow Israel to export stolen Palestinian gas via Quatar to Turkey, along with a big mark up (sod the consumer). Otherwise, they are very good.
It wouldn't be such a mess if the US allowed the EU to trade with Russia and use their vast resources. But Von der Leyen has made it clear that they want gas from Israel (aka stolen by a genocide of Palestinians) via Eygpt and Qatar rather than be 'dependent' on Russia and allow Russia to flourish.
It also makes me laugh how many in the UK have fallen for the line put about that green policies, and not US sabotage, are behind the collapse of Germany, that solar and wind are very expensive, that net zero is a plot to bankrupt us and it's better to use 'reliable' fossil fuels and be totally dependent on the US and subsequent energy price hikes instead.
Death by oil. Again.
Thank you again for such timely and careful analysis. And thank you for linking to your past reporting and analysis of the centrality of fossil resources in the Levant - very much helping to show that the geopolitical competition in this part of the world over the last few years is starting to shatter the plans of some, increase the gains of some, and also set the stage for different configurations of power and conflict. What we call “The Middle East” is changing now. Geopolitical tectonic plates shifting…. I don’t think this is over by any means.
Thank you again for this - please keep up the close and careful thought and work. I appreciate you!