Thank you so much for such an enlightening article.

I believe you would have done much research on this matter and as such have written this article.

Can you kindly please also explain the following:

1) Is it true that the vaccine has never been tested on animals or humans? If this is true why is it being offered to us as a vaccination?

2) Is it true that the pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued if there are adverse reactions or even death? Why is this so?

3) Is it true that a large percentage of the people who contract covid 19 eventually recover without any specific medication? If this is true, How is this so? Do you have statistics on deaths and recovery?

4) Is it true that nobody knows how long the effectiveness of the vaccine will last once administered?

5) Is it true that you can still spread the virus even though you have been vaccinated?

6) Is it true that the vaccine is not effective to the new mutations of the virus?

I really hope you will be able to shed some light on the above. I am assuming that you would have done significant research on the Covid 19 considering your analysis of the situation.

Thank You


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Hi Nixson, thank you for reading it and I'm glad you found it useful.

I am not an immunologist. The warning of this article is that these doctors—who claim the pandemic is a hoax—are deliberately spreading misinformation to promote their alternative therapies and make a quick buck, which puts vulnerable communities at risk.

I contacted my friend who is an IP journalist, Charlotte Kilpatrick, specialising in Big Pharma to help me with your questions.

1) There are multiple vaccines. They have all been tested.

2) In the EU, pharma companies can be sued. You would have to look at the purchasing contracts for each vaccine with each nation. You can always sue them in a civil court.

3) Yes, the vast majority recover. This virus is dangerous, however, because of the transmissibility to vulnerable groups.

4) Yes and no. The vaccines are effective, but the preliminary estimate is that we will need booster shots, but we do not have the exact data yes.

5) Yes, but at a much less likelihood because your viral load is diminished thanks to the antibodies in the vaccine.

6) Yes and no. It will give you some immunity against all strains. The average flu vaccine is only 60–70% effective, so even if you have contract a different variant you will likely be safe even with an effectiveness of 30%.

Hope this helps!

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