This is also where the generational difference in the West comes from when it comes to believing in our economic system, because older people have seen it work for them whereas the young have not. It has always been unequal. What is changing is who it’s affecting.

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Very good historical analysis. A lot of people need to become of aware of this, especially those still believing the mainstream media's propaganda.

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On the issue of the systemic socioeconomic issues that many people face these days.....

I'd like to share my article with you on the need for economic reform, if you're interested. This is in the context of my country, but the principles I feel can be applied to many developing countries around the world. I'd greatly appreciate any comments and feedback. Thanks.


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Fuck this is good. Thanks Rachael for the touchstone of brain and heart food that is Planet: Critical. It's helping me get through these times. And, that's a big deal.

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That means so much to me, Peter.

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Excellent piece.

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Thank you, Donna!

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Rachel has an unrivalled capacity for delivering facts and connecting the dots whilst being eloquent, engaging, compassionate, and witty.” - Professor Henrik Nordborg, OST

Please please please stop talking nonsense.

Get your facts in order.

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This conversation is jumping around. Not sure about what lifestyle you are referring about. What you talking about is an open ended and useless discussion. As to being transparent let’s start with the anonymous hatred being spewed out from the elite university student associations.

Sen. John Fetterman’s Former Campaign Staffers Urge Him to Support Israel-Hamas Ceasefire

But not a single one put their name on it. Lots of people with useless opinions.

Donald trump said it best, 99% of the population is simply dumb. Haha

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It’s best to remain quiet and not have an opinion unless you know the facts. Talk about things you know and leave the geopolitics to people who know a little more than you. Allan Watts said it best “all wrech and no vomit”. Please don’t talk about Israel or Palestine and its history because it’s apparent you know very little. Stop embarrassing yourself.

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I see only one coward here and it is you.

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