"One could even argue about whether or not neoclassical or neoliberal economics even has a vision or if it’s just a stagnated mechanism of the past. "
It is both. Neoliberalism has a vision of our human relationship to Nature in which Nature is vast, and we are not, so that humanity can take, and take, and take and take, without ever reckoning on the consequences of our taking, because there will be no consequences: whatever consequences there might be will be absorbed back into Nature, without consequence to us.
This is a vision inherited from the 19th Century that failed in the 20th Century. But instead of being replaced in the 20th Century, it was transformed, Frankenstein-style, through Neoliberalism's discovery and colonization of a powerful innovation of the 20th Century - worker pensions - into our prevailing ecosystem of Asset Owners Allocating Assets to Asset Managers for profit extraction through share price trading in service to Growth to support Liquidity in the Markets in which shares are traded.
Whether we replace this vision of more that is better for more through reckless unreckoning with Doughnut Economics, a Circular Economy, a Regenerative Economy, a Wellbeing Economy, a Bright New World or some other vision for living our best lives, Step B of getting to that Step C is replacing and retiring this ecosystem of Asset Ownership that we inherited from the 20th Century.
Step B is building a new ecosystem within which people can make their living doing the work of building to Step C, designing within constraints, for living our best lives.
"One could even argue about whether or not neoclassical or neoliberal economics even has a vision or if it’s just a stagnated mechanism of the past. "
It is both. Neoliberalism has a vision of our human relationship to Nature in which Nature is vast, and we are not, so that humanity can take, and take, and take and take, without ever reckoning on the consequences of our taking, because there will be no consequences: whatever consequences there might be will be absorbed back into Nature, without consequence to us.
This is a vision inherited from the 19th Century that failed in the 20th Century. But instead of being replaced in the 20th Century, it was transformed, Frankenstein-style, through Neoliberalism's discovery and colonization of a powerful innovation of the 20th Century - worker pensions - into our prevailing ecosystem of Asset Owners Allocating Assets to Asset Managers for profit extraction through share price trading in service to Growth to support Liquidity in the Markets in which shares are traded.
Whether we replace this vision of more that is better for more through reckless unreckoning with Doughnut Economics, a Circular Economy, a Regenerative Economy, a Wellbeing Economy, a Bright New World or some other vision for living our best lives, Step B of getting to that Step C is replacing and retiring this ecosystem of Asset Ownership that we inherited from the 20th Century.
"So what is Step B? "
Step B is building a new ecosystem within which people can make their living doing the work of building to Step C, designing within constraints, for living our best lives.