My father passed a little over a decade ago. When arranging his service with the funeral director, we asked to play a video. "Of course. Many people like to play a tribute video of some kind." That wasn't exactly what we had in mind.

During my dad's visitation, we had "Blazing Saddles" playing in the other room. We watched it with him many times growing up, and we couldn't think of a better tribute than to watch it with him just one more time.

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Thank you for sharing, Erik!

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I appreciate your writing (and, of course, your podcast episodes), especially when they add an unexpected cultural lens. You write of the "process of a Western funeral" and then proceed to mention embalming and make-up put onto the body to be buried...which is something uniquely US-American to me. Other cultures of the "West", like Germany, France, Spain, ... don't do this at all.

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