I've enjoyed so many episodes on your channel but I don't think I have ever been so moved as I have by this one. What looked like a slightly dry take on a great achievement transformed into a really amazing and deeply affecting human endeavour. What a ray of hope both in the transformation of an industry and in the belief in the younger generation. Could we really achieve this in our own building industry? I guess we have to say - why not? Thanks, Rachel for finding this ray!

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A very inspiring and moving conversation. Inspiring because Dani shows that what sometimes seems impossible can be done. Moving because of the passion and commitment you can hear in what she is saying. One can only wish this movement every success.

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Such great energy, real clarity of purpose, emotional vulnerability and care. It is so brilliant that this radical care comes from mathing the math!

You can see that a view of what the future will look like emerges from this careful reading of the data, communities having the time to grow their own food and enjoy cooking it. The exciting possibilities of sharing skills and resources, innovating new and old ways of working. Truly inspiring. Thank you both.

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This is brilliant to see Dani & Rachael, we have the exact same issue in Australia, but our Co2e is worse, approximate new house avg 1t/m2 and our avg house is 240m2. I was speaking to an industry figure today, his response, "We have what we have in respect to regulation." We do have good eggs here pushing though, the clarity of your Road Map spells it so clearly! Thanks for your work :)

I read this yesterday, it confirms your points...small bio based housing.

"Measuring the Doughnut: A good life for all is possible within planetary boundaries": https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652624008953

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There is no overreaction when it comes to looking after our environment - those who act against any efforts or are even passively observing, mean that any reaction needs to be doubled at least. This is a great start.

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"global building emissions must be reduced by 96% to limit global warming". "for an emissions cap of carbon dioxide kilograms per meter squared"📢

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Hugely behind a global plan for retrofitting . 98% of properties in Edinburgh are old stock and most are still single glazed! Why aren’t there grants for double glazing a point raised by an architect exasperated by the lack of thought and planning re existing housing stock in Scotland.

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Fabulous conversation!

It so heartening to hear what Dani and her team had managed to achieve. It really came from left of field and I'm so pleased to hear that meaningful change, innovation and initiatives can evolve from workers in a industry and up the chain to the industries themselves. We really need to see so much more of this.

Oh, and that last minute of the interview.... I think I know what happened when you stopped recording : )

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Bravo! I like how this talk centered on legislation because I keep coming back to the idea that as a society we aren't going to do what is needed voluntarily, particularly when it comes to the biggest offenders. People tend to shrug their shoulders at what needs doing, as if it's not possible, but if we legislate behavior, many things become not only possible but mandatory. It is unfortunate but it seems it will have to be that way. The same thinking behind building legislation needs to be spread over all sorts of human behavior it seems.

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