This took a while to get going, but there are some gems in here. It reminded me of the "War on Sensemaking" series with Daniel Schmachtenberger, where he outlines the pre-requisites for a functional participatory democracy, including a functioning 4th estate and and an engaged and educated citizenry. The thoughts on education really resonated. It's exciting that you've been talking to Jason Hickel, will this be another episode? Also Kate Raworth is quite brilliant. She was talking about economics to the Environmental Audit Committee the other week, well worth a watch https://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/1ebd2e0c-1eaf-46fc-8358-24eff254294f .

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I'm keen to get Daniel on the show—hoping Nate will provide an introduction. Likewise have emailed Kate Raworth! Thanks for listening and engaging, Tim, always great to have your comments.

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