I love the image of the two earths-one critical, one hopeful- both existing now simultaneously. I so appreciate your expanded vision and effort… one of my deepest lessons from decades of human rights work — theory and discursive conversations need to be grounded in, and supportive of, living communities—concrete, specific and grappling with complex survival challenges. Otherwise, we are just talking while the world burns😿 Wishing you safe, productive travel and looking forward to your notes from the field!

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Good luck! It's a splendid idea and what I hope more than anything is that it brings your insights to a wider audience than this can. I can't wait to see what you and your partner (who sounds like a keeper) come up with.

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Thank you!!

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Great idea - you might like to connect with ScreenCraft Works - it's an international community of cross-border mentoring, talks and networking, supporting under-represented production and post-production talent in film & TV. They bring together creative industry talent across all world regions, connect diasporic communities, and help displaced craftspeople integrate, for fairer, more sustainable productions.


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Good luck with this new venture it sounds very exciting can’t wait for the first episode in 2025 Bon Voyage!

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The best of endeavors to you as you move forward on this new project. Planet: Critical has been a mainstay read for me for the past couple of years and I have shared the site with myriad others, as I continue to learn from so many, varied voices that you introduce. The planet and people need all the help, inspiration, and available, actual in-progress, working projects as models to follow and adapt, according to local needs. So, go forth courageously!!! You're doing excellent work.

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Thank you Rachel. Enjoy your journey of discoveries. Stories of rejuvenation and reclamation and insights into first nations cultures are empowering leading to hope.

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This is so exciting. It fits very well with a dream of mine: take the idea of a Network State and create a community governed by a roundtable aimed at exercising global influence, joining futuristic changemakers worldwide, and supporting innovation in every system we rely upon.

I know the idea of a Network State has been championed on the right. But I also see the potential for shaping the future through networks that hold decentralized territories all over the world.

I can't wait to see your project come to fruition. You are at the top of my list of communities to support as soon as I can get my work off the ground again after a series of near-death setbacks. Thank you for all you do. I would love to be on your podcast someday!

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Best of luck, especially for what I suspect will be a turbulent year globally. No doubt an amazing opportunity to witness many different perspectives on the unfolding polycrisis - and probably good material for book number two as well. Take care.

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Good luck, have fun. Those who tell the stories rule society. And when we tell the stories ourselves we figure out how to rule ourselves xoxo

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Exciting news Rachel! Best of luck with this new project, it’s a wonderful idea and much needed.

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That sounds like a great initiative - good luck!

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Incredible! Your work is so important. It completely opened me up to what’s happening in the world, and I’m sure this will expand it more! Thank you for your passion and willingness 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

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Hi Rachel - just a quick note - those two links to google docs are coming up 'requires owner's permission' so the forms are unavailable.



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Gosh thanks Peter—it's open now to the public.

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Thanks Rachel, no problems, that's all working fine now :)

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Way to go Rachel. 🙏

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You asked for ideas. Have you come across this group?


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So excited for you, Rachel! Thank you for all you give back to the world. Please be safe!!

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