Aug 28, 2023Liked by Rachel Donald

Beautiful words of channelled anger Rachel, thank you for fighting, and for building us solid data based ammunition in story form πŸ™πŸ€žπŸΌπŸ™‡πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

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Hi Rachel you went really hard on this text and it's perfect. Thanks for writing it.

It's crazy how the destruction of the planet is so intrinsically connected with white supremacy and misogyny

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Rachel Donald

I wonder if You could interview will McAskill about this and see what he says. Long term ism is well meant it seems (by him anyway) but I don’t know if he would sign up to inequitable intense suffering of a few now (or many - let’s face it) so that we can have trillions more people β€˜exist’. To our moral emphasis on protecting future generations over our selfish goals and acting as stewards has value I think, But always this assumption that future growth is good, expected, even essential. I think he’s dig himself a philosophical hole and got stuck in it. He might need a ladder rather than the fawning attention of Musk et al

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Yeah, it would be interesting!

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Well said Rachel. I wonder how far away we are from The Handmaid’s Tale. Truly scary the power and influence money gives to these crazy billionaires.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Rachel Donald

Perfectly written Rachel ✊🏼

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Rachel Donald

Women’s liberation, falling birth rates,

and waking up to reality from our capitalist fever dream are all threats to these infantile proto-emperors. However we must keep our eye on the systems-level understanding. Rapacious growth is the basis for their power. Naturally they will try to continue the oversupply of aspirational wage-slaves that form the pyramid scheme they sit atop. One way to do that is by seeding this kind of neo-fascist memetics like long-termism and anti-feminism.

We should take heart that they are resorting to such extreme and puerile narratives. There is a good chance that the weight of social progress will hold against the desperate endgame tactics of a fading capitalist system.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Rachel Donald

Horrendous. Shocking. Unexpected? Not really. I managed to get into the National Conservative Association Conference in May (for disruption purposes) and heard the first speaker Miriam Cates MP talk about how the real problem for our country is not climate change, cost of living, immigration but the falling birth rate.

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The popular Jordan Peterson is also guilty;

'Compassion hater, vegan ridiculer, muddle headed and unhappy Jordon Peterson accuses the Canadian government of censorship when his professional body objects to him calling people pricks or telling them to kill themselves if they think humans are destroying the planet. Peterson is part of the Imperial core maintaining the status quo. He says that shrinking populations (which is due to a country’s increasing GDP and the education of women) threatens civilisation. We damn well better learn to adapt to a deceasing population then JP; because we bloody well aren’t going to stop the emancipation.'


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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Rachel Donald

It's the same as it ever was,what a fantastic well written article.

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Elites operate on a currency of fear. They have no way to predict the future unless it’s in their narrow lens (not based on equality).

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I find it truly amazing that anyone could believe we have a shortage of people when the global population is larger than it has ever been and has quadrupled since World War 2. It just goes to show how much capitalists depend on endless population growth to keep wages down and consumption up. The elites are absolutely terrified by the reality that most people want small families and they will align themselves with religious fanatics to get their way.

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This is awesome - big thank you to the guy who was triggered enough to make shitty comments about it. Without that interaction you might not have reshared this article, I might not have seen it, and wouldn't have been able to share it with my sustainable development students.

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RemovedFeb 22
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Wow. Who let a Dalek on the internet?

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