Here in the UK there is an urgent need to press the case for proportional representation (PR) as, contrary to what many social liberals fear, this will not 'let in' the right but help pluralise political parties and make it less easy for a partisan press to demonise parties who do not choose to follow the fossilised assumptions about foreign policy and finance that Matt so clearly lays out. PR is not a complete answer but it would be a sufficient shock to the system that might just open up a few cracks in the ivory towers.
Ah would share pic circulation this week how UK, and north east england ranks very low in economic comparison(screenshot is from FT article, "FT analysis of OECD regional accounts , data", graphic by John Burn-Murdoch). 51st state in US would be step up for England. This is related to this topic I assume, it has been very bad deal for UK for 30 years being so close ally of US.
At my local bookstore, nearly the only one in my smallish city, I was looking with dismay through Anne Applebaum's new book Autocracy Inc. The Dictators Who Want To Run The World, (as opposed to what, the dictators of the West who do run the world?) and was amazed to then see Matt's Silent Coup on the shelves! Our shop leans toward the conservative so, wow. Of course, I had to get it. Thank you for bringing him on the show again.
When people say that education, as one response to our sorry state, is too lame a solution, I have to say that I think most people underestimate just how ignorant people are of how things go. Consider how Applebaum's book, published in July, already has 1400 reviews on Shamazon, while Matt's from September has only 178, which is in fact not bad, considering. Bestseller status does not belong to people speaking the truth nearly as often as to those others. One can say that "everyone knows" that the deck is stacked against us, that the rich are corrupt, etc. I don't think that's true. Far too many people have stars in their eyes. And to the extent that people do know, but do nothing, might it be that if people were to become saturated with an awareness of just how rotten our current "free" world is, they might finally do something about it? People can only take so much. Education is one of the best ways to have any hope at all of change, because change won't come from the top down. It must come from the people, and they can't change what they don't understand or can't see.
Ah, but there is a solution to the "human predicament" of people seeking out, then obtaining and abusing power. It is the environmental meltdown we are now experiencing, which of course we also created. As long as enough people remain ignorant of what is going on and just how bad things really are, we have little hope of a lasting humanity. Or any other kind of life here. Our predicament will go away, and far sooner than we might imagine.
The obverse is also true, that if somehow people get knowledge of "what is going on and just how bad things really are," there is no mechanism, in practice or in the wildest theoretical fantasy, that stops the global corporate supersystem. No green police, no IPCC, no political shell game could withstand the forces of backlash and business as usual.
Yes, human extinction means the end to the human predicament, but no one with any sanity should look forward to this.
Brilliant interview with insights into the methodologies of corporate power and its intrusions into the Independance of sovereign states. United Fruit, Edward Bernays a classic case in point. I only sit at the feet of giants with the research capabilities that people like yourself and Matt have, could only throw a coin into the ring ; to repeal Santa Clara County v Southern Pacific Railroad (I trust Aaron Good), to repeal Dodge v Ford Motor Company. Corporate responsibility and a 2% tax on any trade that moves anywhere. Empire - EMP-ire ; Electro Magnetic Pulse of ire.
Here in the UK there is an urgent need to press the case for proportional representation (PR) as, contrary to what many social liberals fear, this will not 'let in' the right but help pluralise political parties and make it less easy for a partisan press to demonise parties who do not choose to follow the fossilised assumptions about foreign policy and finance that Matt so clearly lays out. PR is not a complete answer but it would be a sufficient shock to the system that might just open up a few cracks in the ivory towers.
This is old news to readers of Noam Chomsky's books, though I expect there will be significant new information.
Ah would share pic circulation this week how UK, and north east england ranks very low in economic comparison(screenshot is from FT article, "FT analysis of OECD regional accounts , data", graphic by John Burn-Murdoch). 51st state in US would be step up for England. This is related to this topic I assume, it has been very bad deal for UK for 30 years being so close ally of US.
At my local bookstore, nearly the only one in my smallish city, I was looking with dismay through Anne Applebaum's new book Autocracy Inc. The Dictators Who Want To Run The World, (as opposed to what, the dictators of the West who do run the world?) and was amazed to then see Matt's Silent Coup on the shelves! Our shop leans toward the conservative so, wow. Of course, I had to get it. Thank you for bringing him on the show again.
When people say that education, as one response to our sorry state, is too lame a solution, I have to say that I think most people underestimate just how ignorant people are of how things go. Consider how Applebaum's book, published in July, already has 1400 reviews on Shamazon, while Matt's from September has only 178, which is in fact not bad, considering. Bestseller status does not belong to people speaking the truth nearly as often as to those others. One can say that "everyone knows" that the deck is stacked against us, that the rich are corrupt, etc. I don't think that's true. Far too many people have stars in their eyes. And to the extent that people do know, but do nothing, might it be that if people were to become saturated with an awareness of just how rotten our current "free" world is, they might finally do something about it? People can only take so much. Education is one of the best ways to have any hope at all of change, because change won't come from the top down. It must come from the people, and they can't change what they don't understand or can't see.
Fine, informed critiques from the former FT reporter, and the host - and then the obligatory incoherence on “ what to do.”
“ Education” as the stock answer? The self-martyrs of XR going off to long prison sentences? Chinese state capitalism for the world?
There are no solutions to the human predicament. The “polycrisis” will not be ameliorated.
Ah, but there is a solution to the "human predicament" of people seeking out, then obtaining and abusing power. It is the environmental meltdown we are now experiencing, which of course we also created. As long as enough people remain ignorant of what is going on and just how bad things really are, we have little hope of a lasting humanity. Or any other kind of life here. Our predicament will go away, and far sooner than we might imagine.
The obverse is also true, that if somehow people get knowledge of "what is going on and just how bad things really are," there is no mechanism, in practice or in the wildest theoretical fantasy, that stops the global corporate supersystem. No green police, no IPCC, no political shell game could withstand the forces of backlash and business as usual.
Yes, human extinction means the end to the human predicament, but no one with any sanity should look forward to this.
Thanks for sharing!
Brilliant interview with insights into the methodologies of corporate power and its intrusions into the Independance of sovereign states. United Fruit, Edward Bernays a classic case in point. I only sit at the feet of giants with the research capabilities that people like yourself and Matt have, could only throw a coin into the ring ; to repeal Santa Clara County v Southern Pacific Railroad (I trust Aaron Good), to repeal Dodge v Ford Motor Company. Corporate responsibility and a 2% tax on any trade that moves anywhere. Empire - EMP-ire ; Electro Magnetic Pulse of ire.
is there transcript?