Loved this conversation, gave me lots to think about. Thank you

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What a great episode! Thank you so much! What made me think was your optimistic take on Gen Z and following generations to revolt having „nothing to lose). What I‘m very concerned about and what I would love to investigate/have investigated is if and how this can actually take place. The young people I teach in my Philosophy classes in a school in Germany in what I would call a pretty average school with mostly middle class, lower middle and working class kids with a good share of kids with a migration background, completely internalised a neoliberal mindset (with very few exceptions) being against any kind of inheritence tax, progressive income taxation, state action to limit corporate power etc in the name of freedom and personal responsibility. This picture changes when you look at university track students at “Gymnasium” but that is the minority. So the majority of young people that I talk to and observe are not conscious of their position and their own interests let alone of forming moral views that would require action to help others in need when this would entail limits to markets, higher taxes etc. So I’m wondering if this is something worth taking a closer look. On some level, a sociologically informed perspeective, that is very unsurprising - that is the chrrent state of affairs reproduced through sociolization in the very system that needs change. But on another level it seems, 14-18 yearolds becoming conscious of their situation, position and (future) interests seems vital for the project that you and your listeners push for.

Anyway, just a thought! Thanks so much for the amazing work you are doing! After having postponed becoming a paid subscriber I finally managed to do that and will try to win some other friends to do the same!

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I'm always learning something new from Planet Critical. This episode with Pat Kane was no exception.

I'd heard of Bernays before, but the way his work was described here resonated in a different way. Industrialisation had created all of these extra commodities, and Bernays weaponised psychology in the form of advertising to increase the desire for them in the worker. No one actually really wants this stuff, we're just made to believe we do.

Totally agree about XR. Where has that injection of absurdity gone? It was that which really captured the imagination..the audacious artwork, the deafening drumming approaching down the high street and the installation of makeshift structures in Trafalgar Square. It felt magical and like a movement with real potential at the time.

A recurring theme that comes up in these conversations is the transformative potential of popular culture. Is this where we could see the absurd and the playful re-injected into the public consciousness? At the moment we seem to be paralysed by Black Mirror style dystopian futures as pointed out here.

One thing that was touched on in this interview was the idea that "people who start to distrust the whole of the public realm are susceptible to fascism". This really concerns me at the moment, and I see people I know getting sucked into that vortex of really weird stuff through the strands of Covid anti-vax sentiment, Brexit and now ULEZ.

Planet Critical usually comes out the day after The Great Simplification. It can be interesting to listen to both in close proximity to get a cross-fertilisation of ideas. Does anyone else find this?

Fun fact: I used to play one of Pat Kane's songs in a band about 30 years ago.

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Unsurprisingly Tim, I back to back Nate and Rachel's podcasts.

I look forward to Thursdays, they're good 'thinking' days : )

RE: XR, I was listening to Hallam the other day, he was talking about one of the requirements for effective activism was to be dynamic, not getting into routine, to be novel. I guess that's why the change and I'd expect, maybe some time in the future, that different forms of absurdity may surface... maybe?

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Actually Fucking brilliant!

Protest as a joyous experience - the way it should be : )

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Late to the party but I just listened to this. As some with an imagination I can't reign in, I really appreciate this perspective. Particularly what was said about most sci fi being dystopian now! I'm a writer and I've been noticing this too. I feel like a great way to contribute right now is to write new futures that humans can learn from AND aspire to. As humans our stories are what links us so we need to use them to rewrite our future together xx

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Revising our Goals and Methods: Reconsidering Inflation in Shaping a Stable Future

Disputes over ongoing inflation and the reduced buying-power of take-home pay epitomize the partisan nature of self-destructive disinformation that threatens our future. That future is jeopardized by diminished capabilities supporting reality-based decisions, vital to both restoring our democracy and curbing dangerously deteriorating essential life-support systems.

Numerous mainstream financial institutions, including the Bank of England, have confirmed that ongoing inflation is propagated by insatiable corporations that have wrested record-breaking profits by gouging consumers. The devious practice is so prevalent that it now has a name: Greedflation.

As pernicious as it is as a political decoy, Greedflation masks far more destructive forces than unethical economic opportunism. Market analysts conclude that post-Covid supply-chain failures, adding to inflation by impeding availability of products in demand, are often caused by various environmental constraints, from extreme weather to recklessly exceeding Earth’s natural carrying capacity.

These escalating problems are generated by a combination of humanity’s ravenous industrial-scale resource depletion and rapid global heating. Accordingly, it is imperative that economic goals and methods are restructured. If we hope to secure a sustainable future, living within our planet’s limits, the collective pursuit of self-interest and the means for pursuing it must be radically revised. This will require equitable stewardship of natural resources and vigilant accountability for the consequences of meeting humanity’s basic needs.

Economic ground-rules must be responsibly sanctioned, achieved by quickly minimizing heat-trapping emissions and developing a well-managed circular economy, featuring efficient recovery of valuable resources instead of the careless one-way disposal now dominating our wasteful consumer society.

David Kyler

Center for a Sustainable Coast

Saint Simons Island, Georgia [USA]

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This from Pat Kane, @ 9:13

"...I've been looking for a collective instrument that can, within its jurisdiction, anticipate the future and develop the future...

...there's been a politics of how do we, what are the collective instruments to kind of make this a fruitful, calm and stable process, rather than a dynamic, destructive, enraging and maddening process..."

and about ten minutes later, @ 19:56

"...the challenge is to play big, in terms of collective imagining of the future"

Veena Ramani asks the question this way, "What is stewardship".

The instrument that Pat is looking for provides the answer to Veena's question.

It is Equity splits in enterprise cash flows. prioritized by contracted agreement for:




The Six Fairnesses: Trade; Engagement; Reckoning; Working; Dealing; and Sharing

It is the law of fiduciary duty for fiduciary financiers (Pensions & Endowments):

Restating PURPOSE

Reassessing POWERS

Reevaluating SUCCESS

It is a new 21st Century Global Citizenship in a new 21st Century Global Social Contract for inquiry, insight and new learning that can inform innovation for evolving prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes.

It is Bank of Nature.

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