I agree wholeheartedly with what Aaron Regunberg is trying to achieve here and don’t understand the naysayers. Maybe they don’t buy the backstory or agree with the attribution science, but if you do it’s got to be one of the most fraudulent and damaging misinformation campaigns ever. I wouldn’t stop at the Oil companies either, and would go after the misinformation network called the Atlas Group who are the think tank arm of this malignant activity.

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There is no such think as misinformation, disinformation, or any prefix-qualified information. Information is information, period. As such, the term information says nothing about the quality thereof, including falseness, malevolent intent, veracity. Nothing, nada, zilch. Bullshit terms of the misinformation and disinformation kind have been coined by malicious motherfuckers with the intent to render information that doesn't suit them undesirable, defective, or prosecutable. Fuck that!

Nobody is forcing nobody to consume information in an unreserved, unconditional manner. We all have brains and intellectual capacity and the ability to use it to assess whether information is truthful, pertinent, or has any other quality. Then fucking use it! Be responsible for yourself, as opposed to relying on others to determine what's right and what's wrong, and calling for the prosecution of people who put out information that is deemed by who knows what asshole prosecutable.

If you naively think that the prosecutors will use the kind of power to prosecute people for disseminating allegedly defective information fairly, think twice. This power will be grossly abused as it will make everybody a (potential) criminal. This is absolute idiocy.

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If someone knows one thing to be true, and decides to disseminate the opposite of that thing, surely that can be described as misinformation, rather than just a difference of opinion?

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No. It's information containing untrue facts. Also, it's highly questionable what is true and what isn't. Even if it weren't, which is an impossibility because things simply aren't black or white, making a lie or, worse still, disseminating information that some might not like a crime is preposterous.

The opposite strategy must be adopted - make people intellectually resilient to be able to process information, reject bullshit, and assume responsibility for whatever convictions, opinions, and stands they harbor.

This idea that the world can be purified of allegedly false information is pure phantasmagoria, many orders of magnitude worse than the Inquisition and persecution under the various totalitarian regimes. A complete stupidity of giant proportions!

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The dictionary definition of misinformation is “The dissemination of false information, either knowing it to be false (see disinformation), or unknowingly.”

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So I guess Disinformation is the proper word for the Big Oil campaign. I’d recommend reading The Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes on this subject.

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I'd recommend using the dictionary to wipe your ass and instructing whoever entered the definition of misinformation therein to shove it and go fuck himself, not necessarily in that order.

I don't give two shits about Big Oil campaign, I give quite a bit of shits about basic human freedom, which infinitely imbecilic proposals of the kind of prosecuting people for spreading information essentially eliminate in its entirety.

There's no need to do any further reading on this subject. It's very simple - people themselves have to be responsible for what information they believe and rely on. If you want to outsource this responsibility to some external entity that determines for you what is 'true' and what is 'untrue', be my guest, but don't you, or anybody else, prosecute others who have the balls to think for themselves.

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What you are arguing for here is nonsense. We live in societies of people. What we do impacts others. Your claim that we must not worry about "misinformation" because we should "be responsible" only goes so far. You are taking it too far, and I can only imagine that you are doing that for selfish reasons, i.e. you would like to trick people into buying/selling something with falsehoods, in order to take advantage of them. Corporate style. Get real. We have laws (and common sense) for good reason. Grow up.

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yes, but can we make them give us back our future?

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This kind of activity is not in the best interest of our western nations or its citizens…

By all means present any case to the government agencies we have in place to improve the local environment to raise awareness of either activities that don’t meet existing standards or suggest improved standards with enough due diligence to make it a step forward on the road to sustainability.

But stop this wild-assed open ended activism that just ties up our courts and every-bodies time and effort on unrealistic goals that are not even close to fact based.

Another thing.... calling some-one a criminal can put you in court as well.

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Give me a break, Nigel! It is "not in the best interest of our western nations or its citizens" to attempt to prosecute negligence on a grand scale? Has that negligence been in "the best interest" of life on our planet now that we see where it has taken us? Do you not see the goal here, of trying to force people to think twice before going on with biz-as-usual when the results can be so appallingly destructive?

Your suggestion to "by all means present any case to the government...to improve the local environment" with its restriction to the "local environment" is suspect: why should we limit ourselves to local actions? Exxon's impact is far wider than "local" so what is your point here? Is it "let's let the big boys get away with murder"? Honestly, your logic here is poor. "Tying up the courts"... really? Is that more important, making sure the courts have an easy calendar?

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What exactly are you taking these people to court for?

Are they not meeting existing pollution laws?

Is their local installations not up to code?

These are valid issues that are best handled by local and state governments once reported.

Unless they are noncompliant on documented code or laws you have no right to use the court system.

If you want new laws then that must go through government channels…

I suspect that the new government in most western countries is not going to be interested in what you are pushing….. so good luck with all that.

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Making "polluting the planet a criminal offense" is an imbecility of the highest order if meant genuinely or the most nefarious measure if imposed with malevolent intentions. Polluting the planet (sic) can mean anything, allowing any undesirable person to be prosecuted – the room for abuse is virtually infinite. This is bullshit of gigantic proportions and any attempt in this vein must be vigorously opposed. As if the threat of medical tyranny as per the convid crap wasn't enough! Allegations that oil "causes climate change and human death" is preposterous horseshit, unprovable, ideologically-driven crap, allowing arbitrary action against anyone.

As regards pollution itself, is, for lack of a better word, Big Oil the egg and consumers the chicken or vice versa? Hard to tell, Big Oil sure try as hard as they can to make people consume the stuff, but ultimately it's the consumers who consume.

There is this thing called positive reinforcement as opposed to negative reinforcement. The latter would be prosecuting either Big Oil or consumers for polluting the planet, as per the above idiotic proposal, while the former would consist of giving people, consumers, an alternative, a different way of life.

For any effort to do something about this effed up oil-driven consumerist civilization to succeed, there first must be a viable alternative that is, hopefully, attractive enough for people to pursue. That can be combined with some punitive action, negative reinforcement. So, instead of yapping about prosecuting people, this guy Regunburg should focus on coming up with an alternative to the present civilization and selling it to the populace.

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When companies face sufficient push back, they themselves have been known, over and over again, to come up with better products.

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You can push back by telling them to shove their products up their ass or simply not buying whatever shit they peddle.

No need to criminalize allegedly defective information and essentially shut everybody up lest they say something that rubs the wrong way some asshole in the Truth Office who is controlled by some even bigger asshole from the Office Where They Run Everything From.

There's no law requiring anybody to consume anything. Don't ya know?

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I feel I felt a tone of scepticism in your questioning in the latter half and rightly so. I think Aaron Good will succinctly address your query on corporate personhood, which stems from the 1886 US supreme court case of Santa Clara County vs Southern Pacific Railroad. A very dubious case outcome indeed, initiated by the court reporter, who was also a railrod executive. The other corporate control catalyst was 1919 supremo case of Dodge vs Ford Motor Company, which gavel smacked the precedent for shareholder supremecy. In other words : the rich making decisions in favour of the rich. We exist in a fine tuned, well oiled cage, a circus of deep finance for legal, administrative and coercive elements to counteract dissent. Regulatory capture, state capture and hubris are hallmarks here. May earth bless you always.

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Another excellent discussion, despite the unbelievable naysayers here. (The psychology of people who are perfectly willing to defend themselves and others against an immediate threat, but balk at taking on an adversary beyond a particular size is precisely why things like global warming and genocide are happening.) Anyway, just wanted to make an observation. When Aaron talks of the many DAs who could get behind this kind of action, it made me think of the debates of centralized versus localized power: those who are against federal power, which they view as "control" who prefer to promote more local and state power, which they are more friendly to. The thing is, either way you look at it, you need (or hope for) benign power. You might say "no more federal controlling, let the states and counties make their own laws and police themselves!" but when your locals are bad news, when the state or county government is corrupt and destructive, then what?

There is certainly a need to make sure federal power does not "overreach" particularly when it results in "one-size-fits-all" thinking that is ignorant of important local factors, but that only goes so far.

So we have here the possibility that local courts, non-federal courts, could get behind these actions against destructive polluters like the oil companies, but there is of course no guarantee that their willingness to side with the people will not be tempered by a corrupt party at a much higher level, who can cause trouble for them, or hold out a tantalizing favor in exchange for a change of heart. So it seems difficult to avoid being taken advantage of, of those in positions of power abusing it, just by changing the way the power is organized. It's another reason why I keep coming back to the need for better, and REAL, education, as opposed to mere vocational training to create an army of ignorant slaves who can't analyze or formulate an argument, and who have never been encouraged to explore such subjects as truth or virtue, as we arguably have all around the world now.

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Hey PLANET WARRIOR!!! I Just found your stuff IT IS AMAZING!! YES DADDY GOD says killing planet is a crime. Killing trees and wiping your ass with them is a no no!! and we are 7 mill years out of the pond... there is a way to save the planet and we CAN IF WE START NOW!!!

i JUST FOUND YOUR STUFF and I am so greatful for all of your hard work uncovering and bringing this information out to the public!!

Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

A million Thank yous!!

Please let me share this Launch info with you. I just launched this and would love to be on your show.

I want to share this BRAND NEW INFO: what happened before the big bang. "God" mathematically explained!!

I am fresh from "THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN".

I spent 3 years meditating and can explain what happened BEFORE THE BIG BANG. Explain Jesus Mathematically. I can PROVE we are all Immortal Light beings in bodies, "children" from "Heaven" - human terms not what they call it - can explain how and why they "grow" children in physical and how we can all return. Yes Jesus is real, but SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE the current variation of the bible is "baloney".

Daddy doesn't like it when I call his book "bullshit". Then he explains that bull shit is finally chewed, digested through 4 stomachs, for several days. While Baloney was meat, ground, with additives and spices. Two totally different things.

My daddy "god" father, creator is a laugh riot. He swears and dares every HUMAN to write down every swear word spoken by a human that was not thought up by GOD first.

I can explain who we are and why we are here, what the ride is all about and how we return. Yes Jesus is an option. i can explain mathematically. BUT HOW MANY WAYS BACK TO HEAVEN 8 BILLION - Bad NEWS - EVERYTHING GOES BACK - the question is not IF - IT IS AS WHAT???

See my latest substacks. In process of writing this all down as a book.

We can do a Q&A with god the creator, daddies.

We can discuss definitions and terms.

PERFECTION is an approximation of "to create no negative KARMA in any situation, with any thought or vibration of your being."

KARMA - to the quantum is a mathematical equation that comes down to all the laws of energy and motion as applied to a light being over quantum lifetimes.

We can talk about the month long argument with god about weather or not he is a macsicist.

I just launched this week - like just in the last few days. I would love to talk to you. You are smart and funny and really understand the big picture - you can discuss the world from a bigger picture. 1 mill years is like 15 min. So some times you look away and the next thing you know your little funny monkeys are trying to blow up the planet, kill the planet, enslave everyone.. "again" and he is like silly little monkeys you are only 7 million years out of the pond. About "3" years old to the creator and He is like. Lets not destroy the planet yet. I want to challenge you to see if you can make it half as good as the dinosaurs. They did 175 million years. Why don't you guys try for 100?

And while 2000 years is a long time to humans, Gods like wasn't Christ just there didn't he teach all this. Reading the bible with "god" is funny because He laughs and laughs and I get mad. Like "honor" your mother and father - originally read "Honor your Heavenly Father and Divine Earthly Mother" the god in heaven that created you and the mother whose body you wear...

You must be okay with Laughing at God and yourself. You are his Evolved Little Monkey and THERE IS A PLAN. I know it doesn't look like it, but there is a plan....

God only speaks two languages - math and sarcasm. He thinks Comedy is the Highest level of intelligence!!

If you are interested. Please contact me by substack. I don't know how it all works. I can also do zoom and prerecord the content. BUT i want to do lives and take questions from people and help people. My INFORMATION is brand new and can not be found anywhere else on the planet.

There is no one but Jesus and Heaven feeding me this crazy ass content. BUT it will all be proven mathematically in the next few years. So jump on the band wagon and connect with me while the LAUNCH IS HOT - and get GIFTED a year long FOUNDER Membership STATUS for helping me start this LAUNCH and help start getting this fun and exciting news out to the world....

YOU ARE IMMORTAL - tough shit - we just proved it mathematically.... NOW WTF are you going to do about it?? The big Crunch is in 40 bill years? How long is it going to take you and how many planets are you going to blow up in the mean time? Your Daddy wants to know… OR WE CAN CHOSE TO CREATE HEAVEN & live another 100 mil on this beautiful world!!! ..... Help me spread this message to the world… website or substack https://createheavenonearth.quest Seeing to connect with real people on Substack - i know some of my content will be going paid so I want to spread my knowledge and content to lots of people on substack. We can all be talking bout more productive things than gyrating over every toddler Trumps fucking belly button dust. The man is disgusting and low vibration...

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Hey PLANET WARRIOR!!! I Just found your stuff IT IS AMAZING!! I have only been doing Substack for about 2 months AND JUST FOUND the podcasting options. I want share this BRAND NEW INFO: what happened before the big bang. "God" mathematically explained!!

I am fresh from "THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN".

I spent 3 years meditating and can explain what happened BEFORE THE BIG BANG. Explain Jesus Mathematically. I can PROVE we are all Immortal Light beings in bodies, "children" from "Heaven" - human terms not what they call it - can explain how and why they "grow" children in physical and how we can all return. Yes Jesus is real, but SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE the current variation of the bible is "baloney".

Daddy doesn't like it when I call his book "bullshit". Then he explains that bull shit is finally chewed, digested through 4 stomachs, for several days. While Baloney was meat, ground, with additives and spices. Two totally different things.

My daddy "god" father, creator is a laugh riot. He swears and dares every HUMAN to write down every swear word spoken by a human that was not thought up by GOD first.

I can explain who we are and why we are here, what the ride is all about and how we return. Yes Jesus is an option. i can explain mathematically. BUT HOW MANY WAYS BACK TO HEAVEN 8 BILLION - Bad NEWS - EVERYTHING GOES BACK - the question is not IF - IT IS AS WHAT???

See my latest substacks. In process of writing this all down as a book.

We can do a Q&A with god the creator, daddies.

We can discuss definitions and terms.

PERFECTION is an approximation of "to create no negative KARMA in any situation, with any thought or vibration of your being."

KARMA - to the quantum is a mathematical equation that comes down to all the laws of energy and motion as applied to a light being over quantum lifetimes.

We can talk about the month long argument with god about weather or not he is a macsicist.

I just launched this week - like just in the last few days. I would love to talk to you. You are smart and funny and really understand the big picture - you can discuss the world from a bigger picture. 1 mill years is like 15 min. So some times you look away and the next thing you know your little funny monkeys are trying to blow up the planet, kill the planet, enslave everyone.. "again" and he is like silly little monkeys you are only 7 million years out of the pond. About "3" years old to the creator and He is like. Lets not destroy the planet yet. I want to challenge you to see if you can make it half as good as the dinosaurs. They did 175 million years. Why don't you guys try for 100?

And while 2000 years is a long time to humans, Gods like wasn't Christ just there didn't he teach all this. Reading the bible with "god" is funny because He laughs and laughs and I get mad. Like "honor" your mother and father - originally read "Honor your Heavenly Father and Divine Earthly Mother" the god in heaven that created you and the mother whose body you wear...

You must be okay with Laughing at God and yourself. You are his Evolved Little Monkey and THERE IS A PLAN. I know it doesn't look like it, but there is a plan....

God only speaks two languages - math and sarcasm. He thinks Comedy is the Highest level of intelligence!!

If you are interested. Please contact me by substack. I don't know how it all works. I can also do zoom and prerecord the content. BUT i want to do lives and take questions from people and help people. My INFORMATION is brand new and can not be found anywhere else on the planet.

There is no one but Jesus and Heaven feeding me this crazy ass content. BUT it will all be proven mathematically in the next few years. So jump on the band wagon and connect with me while the LAUNCH IS HOT - and get GIFTED a year long FOUNDER Membership STATUS for helping me start this LAUNCH and help start getting this fun and exciting news out to the world....

YOU ARE IMMORTAL - tough shit - we just proved it mathematically.... NOW WTF are you going to do about it?? The big Crunch is in 40 bill years? How long is it going to take you and how many planets are you going to blow up in the mean time? Your Daddy wants to know… OR WE CAN CHOSE TO CREATE HEAVEN & live another 100 mil on this beautiful world!!! ..... Help me spread this message to the world… website or substack https://createheavenonearth.quest Seeing to connect with real people on Substack - i know some of my content will be going paid so I want to spread my knowledge and content to lots of people on substack. We can all be talking bout more productive things than gyrating over every toddler Trumps fucking belly button dust. The man is disgusting and low vibration...

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Historical perspective - oligarchy, prosecution, etc.

The premise is that a civilizational or societal issue (environment damage caused by unscrupulous activity) can be solved through the governing establishment, namely the judiciary. This is a fundamentally flawed proposition.

Centuries ago, when primitive capitalism was exploiting the shit out of workers, the socialists went around, from pub to pub, to educate people to exercise their collective power, which ultimately resulted in the creation of the various incarnations of the welfare state, including such extreme manifestations as bolshevik communism. For a while, all this worked and allowed governments to be formed that functioned to the benefit of the people, at least to an extent.

As the devil never rests, however, the unscrupulous pricks among us have once again managed to subvert the system, if it ever actually worked as purported, and established the oligarchy we have today, where the fuckers own everything, the government, the courts, the cops, and your ass too.

The idea that the system, or any major aspect of it, can be toppled through action undertaken from therewithin is ridiculous. CON-VID was a demonstration of that par excellence. Nothing could put a dent in the untold bullshit peddled during that attempt to foist a medical tyranny on the populace.

Get that through your head - the alleged democracy is anything but. Deputies are fuckheads who defend the state, and the rare cases that are not have no power to do anything. The rest are there to fuck you over in the interest of the oligarchs, if they're not the oligarchs themselves. They make the laws, they control the whole fucking thing.

The only way out of this is to do what the early socialists did - go around and educate people to stop participating in the madness into which the world has developed. Some of it will be hard, such as weaning people off consumerism, since the hit of dopamine you get from acquiring some useless piece of shit is so much fun, eh. But that's the only way. People have never before in history been better educated, and they should understand, the extent to which their heads are otherwise fucked up notwithstanding.

Anyway, snap the fuck out of the idea that anything can be accomplished through the existing system. The world is in an inflection point. The issues are way bigger than prosecuting somebody for alleged disinformation, no matter how much they lie through their teeth.

In other words, people will have to get off their asses and fight this fight themselves.

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You're taking this too far too, like you did with your "information" rant. I get what you're saying and there is some truth to it. For example, trying to fix this lousy system through the same system will have limited success. We do need a new system. But you know, the thing about the wealthy and powerful who think they are such smartypants that they can design for example a legal system that protects them and only goes after the workers, isn't foolproof. The system can be used against them, too, and it has been done many, many times. Not to the extent yet that it topples the system, but we have to take smaller victories where we can get them as we continue to proceed with the larger goal.

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CNX is their Gas company : https://www.cnx.com/

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Please help me make sense of this critique I paste here:

Guest Post by Kennedy Maize at Master Resource.

Has California’s enthusiasm for solar power gone too far? That question is being asked as the state is curtailing large amounts of solar generation and paying other states to take the Golden State’s solar excess.

The Los Angeles Times (November 24, 2024) reported:

In the last 12 months, California’s solar farms have curtailed production of more than 3 million megawatt hours of solar energy, either on the orders of the state’s grid operator or because prices had plummeted because of the glut, according to an analysis of data by The Times.

Data from the state’s grid operator, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), shows that curtailments of solar generation, because the conventional market for power in the state was less than was being generated and electric storage capacity was full, have doubled compared to 2021.

In addition, the newspaper reported, electric supply is so much greater than demand in some periods that power prices have gone negative. Gary Ackerman, the former executive director of the Western Power Trading Forum, said solar generators are paying brokers to take the power. The brokers, in turn, are selling it out of state, and reaping a substantial profit. “This is all being underwritten by California ratepayers,” Ackerman said.

The CAISO warned of the issue of solar curtailments in 2017, writing, “As more renewables come onto the system, oversupply during the middle of the day, when the sun is brightest, is happening more frequently, and curtailing of solar resources is becoming a common practice.”

The system operator noted, “Curtailments can occur in three ways: economic curtailment, when the market finds a home for low-priced or negative-priced energy; self-scheduled cuts, which reduce generation from self-scheduled bids; and exceptional dispatch, when the ISO orders generators to turn down output.”

In 2017, New York Times Los Angeles correspondent Ivan Penn reported in the LA Times, “On 14 days during March, Arizona utilities got a gift from California: free solar power.

Well, actually better than free. California produced so much solar power on those days that it paid Arizona to take excess electricity its residents weren’t using to avoid overloading its own power lines. It happened on eight days in January and nine in February as well. All told, those transactions helped save Arizona electricity customers millions of dollars this year, though grid operators declined to say exactly how much. And California also has paid other states to take power.

The problem has grown substantially since 2017. Last month’s LA Times article reported, “Arizona’s largest public utility reaped $69 million in savings last year by buying from the market California created to get rid of its excess solar power. The utility returned that money to its customers as a credit on their bills.”

Analysis a year ago by the University of California, Berkeley’s Ecoblock program concluded:

From 2017 to 2022, we have seen a 546% increase in solar and wind curtailment with only a 41% increase in wholesale solar and wind energy generation. This is an alarming growth rate. If we only supply one-third of our energy needs with renewable energy, how much curtailment will we see as we get closer to 100% renewable energy? Can we even get to 100% renewable energy with this growth rate of curtailment?

The graphic illustration of California’s solar problem is seen in the famous “duck curve” that first appeared in 2013 and has grown over the years.

The Rate Problem

The solar excess contributes to electricity rates in California that are the highest in the continental United States. Only Hawaii has higher electricity rates, a function of its isolation and need to import fuels for power generation. California electricity rates are about double the national average.

According to Public Advocates Office at the California Public Utilities Commission, the average electric rate ($/kWh) at the state’s two largest investor-owned electric companies, Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison, have increased 51% in the last three years. Smaller San Diego Gas and Electric, has seen a 20% rate increase (but are the highest, at $0.383, versus $0.367 for PG&E, and $0.332 for Edison).

Nevertheless, California solar generation continues to expand. Dimension Energy, a California-based independent community solar energy developer, recently completed construction of a 44-MW solar project in Southern California Edison’s service territory, Inyokern in Kern County. According to POWER magazine, it is the “largest third-party-owned community solar project in the U.S.”

A key to dealing with the temporal vagaries of renewable energy is electricity storage. California utilities have invested heavily in battery electric storage systems, primarily the same lithium ion technology used in electric vehicles.

Li-ion technology has its own share of limitations. The batteries are expensive, scalability is tricky, and there are safety issues, demonstrated by Li-ion battery fires such as the June conflagration in San Diego. There are promising thermal storage technologies but they have yet to gain much traction.

It’s “green” business-as-usual in California. But it is sustainable?

Editor’s Note: California idiocy isn’t confined to this solar nonsense. There’s also this from CNX leader Nick Deluliis:

Kennedy Maize has covered energy and environment news from Washington for over 50 years. He is the editor and publisher of The Quad Report.

#DuckCurve #California #Solar #ExcessSolar #ElectricRates

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It seems privatized and investment funds poison public service entities? Today, I found numerous accounts of how quarterly return demand force leadership to destroy mission statements promising a greater good?

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Toothless tiger.

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