Feb 24·edited Feb 24Liked by Rachel Donald

Maybe my favorite interview yet, thank you, Rachel, for organizing this! The diminishing returns of modern tech, straw men, and elite think tanks shaping public discourse, this convo has it all! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help move your projects forward in any way, Amy. Amazing!

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24Liked by Rachel Donald

The ATLAS Network also hugely brought Milei into power in Argentina; the ATLAS Network groups were called RELIAL (Liberal Network of Latin American) and Fundación Libertad (whose site was erased a day before Milei was elected...).

I wrote this analysis myself https://projectallende.org/think-tanks-the-argentine-new-right/ before I saw this video.

By the way the head of ATLAS uses Overton to show that Milei as a president (of choice)...

So glad I found this and and by the way Milei doesn't believe that humans have anything to do with Climate Change (here I did a video on that too https://youtu.be/Fjo3ItOpxFs )


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Feb 26Liked by Rachel Donald

Indeed, neoliberals can more easily coordinate because they're building with tinker toys. There's nothing more simple and lazy to do than bully people, gaslight them, confuse the dialogue, and inherit wealth in order to get your way. Caring folks, on the other hand, have a harder time coordinating because logistics matter, the process matters--a holism orientation is already many more layers of complexity and nuance. I wouldn't give neoliberals/Atlas Network too much credit. What we're building is much more complex and holistic even if neoliberals do bring up some interesting points about organizing into markets (rather than militaries, etc.).

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Feb 22Liked by Rachel Donald


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And guess what ? Well well well. They get it again. THEIR way, THEIRS. Nuclear. God Help Us On Earth.

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Climate is what ? Weather is what ? What does EARTH do when SHE cannot Restore Balance ? Do you understand, Humanity , do You ? No you will NEVER understand until You Change Your Lifesytle - Yours, Yours, Yours, and it IS Yours YOU change, Thanks.

Harm and Loss to a Planet named Earth - the ONLY one with LIFE, NB, The ONLY one, yes, yes - is.

You HArm Earth, Humanity, YES, so CEASE it , and Try to, because Net Zero is The Worst Threat to this Planet by Humanity, so far, so far, so far ?

Cease and Desist the Lies from Climate Action groups who probably live in Cities, and Don't farm.

Um. FF Lies. Yeah. So do governments, who support FF. WE All support FF. Get It?

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