An intelligent and thought provoking piece, Rachel, which I will restack. The concept of a hangout room, is Brilliant, yet I can see the opposition as follows.... Most schools have multiple problems related to poor car parking facilities. Local residents complain about road blockages. Measures to alleviate are toothless. Such a hangout would encourage parents parking for longer, leading to more child traffic dangers. Schools can't afford to construct adequate parking. Local authorities do next to nothing to assist.... It goes on....... Hangout discussions on how to communally solve such issues are then defeated by the issues themselves. The Plethora of useful suggested solutions to Global Extinction is defeated by the number and size of vehicles - regardless of Fuel Type. Peace, Maurice

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We live in militarized bubbles of prosperity, as Vinay Gupta observed (10 minute talk, well worth your time!): https://bit.ly/1EabIZL

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Love to get this to your audience. There's still time!

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It’s January 1, 2050. How, in 2024, did we pull off saving the world?


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Very thought-provoking. I’m working on a piece about social isolation and disconnection and you’ve given me more to consider. Thanks!

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