I hadn't heard the argument about the Cold War before, which is obvious once you think about it. That feeling that you shouldn't question capitalism, because look what happened in Russia, still prevails, and is used by the likes of Jordan Peterson to shout down any dissent against the prevailing economic paradigm.

The comment about supermarket checkouts worried me, probably disproportionately. For some people, the interaction with the supermarket checkout person is the only social interaction they get.

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Sorry to say I found John Harvey incoherent, though likeable enough. He tends to start off with an idea but not lead through to any conclusion. For example, he says if private sector automation leads to unemployment, the government can employ people at twice the hourly rate so forcing the private sector to increase wages. OK good, but he doesn't explain how this would work or how it would be funded, he jumps off into talking about a TV series. This is pretty typical of the whole interview. I hope his books are less frustrating!

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